3 insider Tips for freshman working at Japan

work in japan

These days, it is true that Japanese old traditions of companies are changing.
however, a lot of things still remain on the other hand.
I don’t want to judge whether these Japanese traditions are good or ill.
With this in mind, I hope from the heart you can do a good job and not be puzzled by cultural differences.

  1. Don’t be late Whatever happens!
  2. Don’t add your originality!
  3. don’t be depressed if you get scolded.

Don’t be late Whatever happens!

first thing to remember, Japanese people are panctual in general.
most compelling evidence, public transports are not delayed to the minute.

there is traditional distinction between ranks of superior-inferior.
that is very strict, As a result, a superior will hates for you being late.

another key point, meny Japanese think that just barely in time is as same as being late.

Don’t add your originality!

While you are a new worker in the company, you should try to imitate your superior.
It is the purpose of doing new works with efficiency and beloved of colleagues.
For we Japanese, humble , modestly and polite are virtues.
Consequently, not adding my originality but imitating as accurately as I can is associable with these virtues.

Don’t be depressed if you get scolded.

To tell the truth, Japanese yell loudly at the employees with considerable frequency.
that it is common so you should forget it right away.
I can not answer explicitly Why that is allowed, but I think that it is caused due to the Japanese hierarchical relationship.


I had worked some companies in my life.
Hence I was surprised differences of work environment between the foreign‐affiliated companies from USA and the Japanese long-established company.

At the beginning, I suffered trying experience.
I cried occasionally in front of colleagues when I had worked at the Japanese long-established company.
But,I got a lot of sense of accomplishment by accepting those difficulties.
So I’ll back you up !

 flow of get job in Japan

Article ‘3 insider Tips for freshman working at Japan‘ written by Kenji Katsuki, psyber graphics representative.

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