Night Watcher Gene and ADHD Hunter-Gatherer Gene – How to Utilize Hidden Abilities


In modern society, it has been discovered that people with the night watcher gene or ADHD hunter-gatherer gene possess unique talents and characteristics. They are not the type to hunt in groups during the day or engage in agriculture, which can lead to the assumption that their communication skills are low. However, they possess many exceptional traits and it is important to find ways to utilize their abilities despite being seen as eccentric individuals.


Fighting the Invisible Enemy with Imagination: It can lead to anxiety or negative thinking, but flipping it around can boost creativity and problem-solving skills.
Solving Troubles on Your Own: With the ability to solve problems in an innovative way, individuals can use their own ideas and knowledge to tackle difficulties alone.
Strong Sense of Responsibility: Being in a place where no one is around or where they are not being watched can heighten the sense of responsibility, making them suitable for leadership and management roles.
Love for Risk: While not necessarily having high adaptability, loving risk can help individuals seize new opportunities.


When considering that individuals are simply vehicles for their DNA, there are two ways to think about what they can do as individuals:

Place themselves in an environment where these traits can thrive, and use them: By selecting an occupation or environment where they can utilize their traits, individuals can display their hidden talents.
If these traits are not needed, or become weaknesses : Then compensate in other areas (such as looks). It’s inevitable that individuals who don’t match their timing or era will lead unfortunate or difficult lives.


The traits that people with night guard genes or ADHD hunting and gathering genes possess may appear to be weaknesses at first glance, but these traits can be leveraged depending on the situation or environment. It is important for them to find the appropriate environment and occupation in which they can fully display their abilities.

Furthermore, it is also important to compensate in other areas when their traits are not needed. While they may experience difficult or unfortunate lives due to timing or circumstances, by understanding and utilizing their traits, they can live a more fulfilling life.

For individuals with night guard genes or ADHD hunting and gathering genes, it is most important to understand and utilize their unique traits. By selecting the appropriate environment and occupation, they can fully display their hidden talents and abilities.

Home » life hack » Night Watcher Gene and ADHD Hunter-Gatherer Gene – How to Utilize Hidden Abilities

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